- Wednesdays action in the metals likely had a vacuum effect sucking all the buying forward, thus providing room for this low volume plunge ->
- $GDX – http://t.co/owFv1x7KH2 [ http://t.co/9H243GDKmB ] Volume significantly less on the pullback than on the surge higher ->
- The Charts That Will Signal The Inflation Boom – Mike Swanson (09/20/2013) http://t.co/n8wKKnHmxc via @Digg ->
- Amazing volatility in the metals based on blather from the Fed…apparently too many scaredy cats to start a new bull market just yet $GLD ->
- NEW POST: Tweets, Headlines, and Charts for 2013-09-19 http://t.co/5rDbaOQnUf ->
- NEW POST: John Manfreda- The Taper That Never Was http://t.co/MRobYCDARH ->