- Ironic that when the government shuts down they work harder than ever to not be shut down, but take plenty of vacations when running ->
- Tesla: A trap for small investors? – Oct. 1, 2013 http://t.co/uuCtbzZw6r via @sharethis ->
- Calls for gold under $1000 will likely be just as wrong as calls for gold over $2000 in 2011 ->
- Silver 50 cents off the lows now $SLV ->
- Smells like a monster reversal is brewing in the metals, the strong miners are barely down $FNV $AGI ->
- SPX bear market in 2002 took about 9 months to bottom ->
- Not uncommon for markets to take 6-9 months to bottom, metals have been bottoming June-Sept or April-Sept depending on how you look at it ->
- NEW POST: Tres Knippa – Japan Is In Very Big Trouble – 9/25/13 http://t.co/wG5lCQueiM ->
- Pullback that started in late August for the metals should be winding to a close soon, getting long in the tooth $GLD $SLV ->
- NEW POST: Tweets, Headlines, and Charts for 2013-09-30 http://t.co/7vjjMr5LG0 ->