- ‘Defensive Stocks’ Are Not Much Help In Market Downturns | Sy Harding | FINANCIAL SENSE: http://t.co/22qaQNchAF ->
- Windfalls http://t.co/LtqMJb5EWJ ->
- Marc Faber Sees Crisis Worse than 2008 Ahead – Mike Swanson (05/09/2014) http://t.co/n8CAYFphqT via @tradermike_1999 ->
- RT @allstarcharts: man how bad does bank of america look today (and this whole week for that matter) $BAC gross. permabulls still like it. … ->
- Desperate attempts at forcing growth when it isn't there, ie purchases of Oculus and Beats at insane valuations smells like a top $QQQ ->
- RT @PaulCiana: Great technical piece our of @FBNSecurities @FBNcharts this morning. Equities looking worse and worse each day. http://t.co/… ->
- Stock market continues to look unhealthy and dangerous to me $QQQ ->
- Here's How Many Days A Person Can Survive Without Water http://t.co/Xp8vmabxY0 via @Science ->
- It's Friday, so it's time for the market to take a Beats down…get it? Sorry couldn't resist $AAPL #Beats ->
- Hollywood’s superhero movie binge explained in four charts http://t.co/TYzHPDXY27 via @qz ->
- Gold Trade Nearly Net Long COMEX Gold Futures http://t.co/U9Ml62zrAV ->
- RT @RiskReversal: @IvanTheK thnx. I'll put Beats acquisition for $3b as #4 on Top 10 List of Things Tim Cook Could Do To Make Steve Jobs Tu… ->
- Apple + Beats: Wall Street says why bother? http://t.co/jk6efYOxHb ->
- NEW POST: Tweets, Headlines, and Charts for 2014-05-08 http://t.co/LzsycvyEom ->