- The U.S. Shale Oil Miracle Disappears | Chris Martenson PhD | FINANCIAL SENSE: http://t.co/CbqwodCU60 ->
- RT @allstarcharts: you see how natural gas been dead money for 3 months? after markets crash, they often need to chill. this is very normal… ->
- Corporate Profits and Market Crashes | Cris Sheridan | FINANCIAL SENSE: http://t.co/i6Pl7TnF8G ->
- RT @allstarcharts: i hear things about everyone being bearish about the stock market, but volatility would suggest otherwise; complacency m… ->
- $$PLAT – http://t.co/NL9oDGjT4n #stockcharts platinum looks ready to breakout ->
- Marc Faber – Likes Europe, Emerging Markets, Fears US Market – Mike Swanson (05/22/2014) http://t.co/XOB0frWcju via @tradermike_1999 ->
- NEW POST: Tweets, Headlines, and Charts for 2014-05-21 http://t.co/RB8G02hwp1 ->