Thursday May 5th I had a great discussion with Cris Sheridan from FinancialSense on this bear market, how it started, and what we need to see for it to end. Full audio from the interview can be found here:
Highlights of the interview include:
- Discussed the transition from Stage 3 earlier this year for the major indices into Stage 4 recently in early April
- Commodities led this market in the first quarter of 2022 but they are now falling victim to this bear market
- Recent failed breakouts in silver, copper, rare earth metals, and livestock were early signs commodities were topping
- Lack of Stage 2 leadership in this market after commodities started rolling over
- Oil and gas stocks have been leading but recent diverges in natural gas stocks and the price of natural gas also suggest they are late in their rally
- Recent Stage 4 breakdowns in travel stocks, transports, and in general that is the side you want to focus on while the major trend is down
- The difference between a stock market correction and a major Stage 4 bear market, and what we need to see for either of them to end
I’ve also done a few interviews with Cris from financialsense.com in the past which can be found here:
Finding Bull Markets Using The Stage Analysis Screener – Interview With Financial Sense
Full Audio Interview With Financial Sense On The Stage Analysis Screener

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The original article and much more can be found at: https://www.nextbigtrade.com
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